Newly published Official Publications 07.09.15

Newly published official publications from :




The Teaching Profession in Europe- “这份Eurydice报告分析了规范欧洲教学专业的政策与教师的态度,实践和看法之间的关系。该分析涵盖了诸如最初的教师教育,持续的专业发展,跨国流动性以及教师人口统计,工作条件和专业吸引力等方面。”

The EU in the World– “This publication provides you with a selection of important and interesting statistics on the EU in comparison with the 15 non-EU countries from the Group of Twenty (G20). It treats the following areas: population; living conditions and social protection; health; education and training; the labour market; economy and finance; international trade; industry, trade and services, research and communication, transport; agriculture, forestry and fisheries; the environment and energy.”

Learning and Teaching Technology Options– “Educational technology encompasses a wide array of technologies and methodologies that are shaped by stakeholders’ behaviours and affected by contextual factors that, if adequately mixed, can contribute to students and teachers better achieving their goals.”




Future of cities: people in cities – the numbers- “本文分析了国家,地区和城市一级的城市规模及其年龄结构的趋势。它研究了过去的趋势对将城市的未来预测到2040年和2064年有多么有用,以及这种预测能够应对不确定性和未知数的能力。”

E-cigarettes: an evidence update- “这篇综述解释了电子烟的相对风险和好处,与卷烟相比,减少了损害和戒烟。”

BBC: Future Financing and Independence– “This Library Note sets out background information about the BBC’s purpose, funding and independence and explains the Royal Charter renewal process. It then provides an overview of the green paper’s four themes and highlights the views on these of the BBC Trust and, where relevant, those expressed by parliamentary committees.”

Maiden speeches in the House of Commons since 1918– “The full report lists maiden speeches by all Members newly elected since the 2015 general election. It includes details of the Member’s constituency, party and the reference of the speech with links to Hansard. The Excel spreadsheet lists maiden speeches back to 1918 in seperate (sic) worksheets”

The Scottish Parliament and Government



A Stronger Scotland: the Government’s Programme for Scotland 2015-16– “The Government’s Programme for Scotland 2015-16. The document sets out the legislation for the coming year, as well as summarising the Scottish Government’s key achievements and main goals for the future – both legislative and non-legislative.

Scotland’s Economic Strategy (SB 15-52)– “This briefing provides an overview of Scotland’s Economic Strategy and how economic strategies have evolved since devolution. The briefing considers the four central themes of the strategy of inclusive growth, investment, innovation and internationalisation.”

健康(烟草,尼古丁等)(苏格兰)法案(SB 15-50)- “健康(烟草,尼古丁等)(苏格兰)法案包含四个广泛建议:1。引入有关尼古丁蒸气产品(NVP)的限制,例如电子烟。…2。在NHS医院现场建筑物外的指定区域中吸烟是一件冒犯的罪行。3.将坦率的卫生和社会护理组织承担责任。…4。在健康和社会护理环境中建立新的犯罪或故意忽视的新刑事犯罪……”


Scotland’s People Annual Report: Results from 2014 Scottish Household Survey– “A National Statistics publication for Scotland, providing reliable and up-to-date information on the composition, characteristics, behaviour and attitudes of Scottish households and adults across a number of topic areas including local government, neighbourhoods, health and transport.”

哪些族裔的健康状况最差?苏格兰健康不平等和种族的分析– “This report examines differences in the health of ethnic groups in Scotland and uses census health data to identify variations between groups. The analysis employs age-standardised rates to compare people of similar age, which avoids the often misleading direct comparisons between populations with very different age structures.”

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Categories:图书馆,Official Publications



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