The Bayer Collection

在图书馆第12级的特殊收藏中的最新门厅展示包括来自ChiteChilus Siegfried Bayer(1694-1738)的集合,并继续关注William Hunter(1718-1783)和他的图书馆在他出生的那一年中。

Theophilus (Gottlieb) Siegfried Bayer (1694-1738) was a Prussian classical scholar from Königsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia), and a pioneer in the west in the study of Sinology. He was both Sinologist and professor of Greek and Roman Antiquities at St Petersburg Academy of Sciences between 1726 until 1737. Previously he was a Rector of the Königsberg Cathedral from 1721-1726, and a municipal librarian in Königsberg. Bayer amassed a large personal library of manuscripts and books and for several years kept up a fruitful exchange of correspondence with Jesuit missionaries based in Peking (now Beijing). He also published several works of his own.

Perhaps if he had lived longer Bayer’s work may have received greater recognition, but in 1738 he became very sick with a fever and died. After his death his library was sold by his widow to a Lutheran pastor living in London called Heinrich Walter Gerdes (1690-1741).

这大约有200中国人和o的集合ther oriental books and manuscripts was later purchased from Mrs Gerdes by Dr. William Hunter (1718-1783). Under the terms of Hunter’s will, his library and other collections remained in London for several years after his death for the use of his nephew, Dr Matthew Baillie (1761-1823), andfinally came to the University in 1807

The three documents on display areMuseum Sinicum(Hunterian EE2.1-2),Globus coelestis sinicus.Explicatus(MS Hunter 10.) and Hunter’sCatalogue of the Bayer Collection(MS Hunter H203)。

Opening in Museum Sinicum (Hunterian Ee2.1-2)

Opening in Museum Sinicum volume 1 (Hunterian Ee2.1)

拜耳发表了Museum Sinicum,他对1730年的汉语批量研究。他于1731年向北京的耶稣会父亲提出了一份副本,这对西方发表的主题的第一次主要工作印象非常深刻。

Globus coelestis sinicus.Explicatus

This Chinese star map is a copper plate engraving which shows the Northern (right) and Southern (left) stellar hemispheres. It was created by Ignatius Koegler, a Jesuit missionary in Peking. The title translates as “Table of the Ecliptic and of all the Stars”. The ecliptic (the apparent path of the sun across the sky) and stars are marked on the map. Bound in the same volume is Bayer’s manuscript in which he transliterates and translates into Latin the Chinese names for the hemispheres, planets and signs of the zodiac.

星地图集(MS Hunter 10)

星地图集(MS Hunter 10)

Hunter’sCatalogue of the Bayer Collection由威廉猎人的原始稿件目录于拜耳收藏稀有书籍和手稿,有权:

A catalogue of a curious collection of rare books, in the Chinese and other Indian languages; collected by the late learned Theoph. Siegfr. Bayer, Professor of St. Petersburg, and now in the possession of Mrs Gerdes, widow of the late learned Dr. Gerdes. At last in Dr. Hunter’s Library

The last sentence is in William Hunter’s writing.

Title page of Hunter H203

Title page of Hunter H203

The display was curated by David Weston and Fiona Neale, Archives and Special Collections, and can be viewed in the foyer ofSpecial Collections, University of Glasgow Library, Level 12.

David Weston has recently completed apreliminary catalogueof theBayer Collection。The collection consists of approximately 200 Chinese and other oriental books and manuscripts, including Chinese and Manchu books, palm leaf books in Tamil and Telugu and otherpothiformat books, European printed works, notes on oriental history and philology, and correspondence with the Jesuits in Peking.


来自MS Hunter 211的Evenki词汇


Discovered: 18th century vocabulary of endangered Evenki language//

Theophilus Siegfried Bayer: pioneer of Chinese studies in the west//




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