University Strikes, Regulating Facial Recognition, and UK Trade with Russia: New Official Publications 22.03.22

Westminster & the UK Government

Image of title page of the University Strikes FAQ publication
© Parliamentary Copyright House of Commons 2021. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0

大学罢工常见问题解答- “在2018年至2020年之间,大学和学院联盟(UCU)在英国大学进行了一系列罢工。从2020年3月,Covid-19的大流行病开始就减少了进一步的工业行动。

The UCU once again balloted its members between October and November 2021 for industrial action. Three days of strike action involving 58 universities followed in December 2021. A re-ballot led to 68 universities striking for ten days between 14 February and 2 March 2022.”

Universities Superannuation Scheme– “University and College Union (UCU) members have taken strike action opposing cuts to pensions in the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) taking place in April 2022. This briefing looks at the changes made to the scheme and its valuations.”

Sanctions against Russia- “为了回应乌克兰的俄罗斯军事行动,西方盟友和全球其他伙伴对俄罗斯实施了前所未有的协调制裁。到目前为止宣布了什么,并且可能采取进一步的措施?这份简报纸在撰写本文时应将其视为正确。”


Economic, social and cultural rights and the proposed Human Rights Bill- “苏格兰政府提出了一项新的人权法案,以保护苏格兰的一系列经济,社会和文化权利。这份简报包括来自各种香料研究人员的意见,概述了苏格兰当前的人权框架,并解释了苏格兰政府的提议下会发生什么变化。”

Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) implicated deaths and prescribing: evidence review- “本文总结了有关美沙酮和丁丙诺啡相关的死亡以及苏格兰处方实践的变化的当前知识。”

自杀念头 - 不利种族化的人的经历:研究– “Research commissioned by the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group (NSPLG) into the experiences of suicide ideation of racialised people in Scotland”

European Union

Image of title page of Regulating Facial Recognition in the E U
©EPRS |欧洲议会研究局,2021年

调节欧盟的面部识别– “The European Union is considering regulating facial recognition in the proposed artificial intelligence act, currently under discussion. This EPRS publication explains the state of play and further highlights the concerns raised by the use and the potential impacts on people’s fundamental rights of facial recognition technologies. Against this background, the paper explores the current EU legal framework applicable to facial recognition and examines the recent proposals for regulating facial recognition technologies at EU level in depth.”

俄罗斯关于乌克兰战争的最新分析[智囊团在想什么]——“俄罗斯武装部队已经增加了他们的炸弹ardment and shelling of Ukrainian cities, stepping up the war launched on 24 February. However, new talks between Moscow and Kiev about a future status for Ukraine outside NATO have raised hopes about a possible breakthrough in the biggest military conflict in Europe since World War II. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has renewed calls on NATO to establish a ‘no-fly zone’ over Ukraine. Instead, the West has imposed tough sanctions against Russia, and many companies are withdrawing from the country, pushing it towards a default, emptying its shops and sending the rouble into freefall. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on 16 March that Russia was ready to discuss Ukraine’s neutrality, but added that Moscow would still achieve the goals of its military operation. Ukraine says it is willing to negotiate to end the war but will not surrender or accept Russian ultimatums. This note gathers links to the recent publications and commentaries from many international think tanks on Russia’s war on Ukraine, its implications for the two countries, for the European Union and for the whole world. Earlier analyses of the implications of the war can be found in a previous edition of the ‘What Think Tanks are Thinking’ series.”

妇女在19岁时- “欧洲议会标记了国际妇女节,委托欧洲估计计调查委员会对妇女的意见收集了关于妇女对妇女对妇女暴力,心理健康和妇女工作生活的影响的意见。欧盟中有77%的妇女认为,共同199的大流行导致对自己国家对妇女的身体和情感暴力行为增加,从希腊的93%到匈牙利的47%。十分之一的受访者(38%)表示,大流行对妇女的收入以及其工作与生活的平衡(44%)以及他们分配给有偿工作的时间(21%)也产生了负面影响。该研究特别研究了与性别相关的问题,还重点介绍欧洲议会的未来优先事项。对妇女和儿童的贩运和性剥削(47%)以及针对妇女的身心暴力(47%),其次是男女之间的薪酬差距及其对职业发展的影响(41%) - 是与性别相关的前三名欧洲议会的优先事项。”


使用环境商品和服务部门数据:2019年的“自然工作”- “评估环境商品和服务部门(EGSS)框架显示了2010年至2019年英国的自然工作以及进一步研究的机会。”

比较环境经济估计,英国– “A comparison of the methodology for the UK’s two sets of environmental economy estimates. Including similarities and differences in coverage, how the estimates are calculated, and how to understand what the data show.”

UK trade with Russia: 2021“A closer look at the goods and services the UK trades with Russia.”

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