
我们的下一篇文章Bird’s Eye View of Glasgow blog serieslooks at life in the growing city of Glasgow up to 1864. (Click on the images to show more detail).

1755年,格拉斯哥是一个谦虚的城市,有23,546名公民(Kyd,1952年)。根据1864年苏尔曼(Sulman)的《鸟类视野》(Bird's Eye View)的出版,该市的人口飙升至近40万(人口普查办公室,1862年)。这是由于出生的死亡人数过多(瓦特,1844年)。高地的通关和饥荒将高地人和爱尔兰人带到了这座城市,寻求新的地方打电话回家。格拉斯哥,在一个industrial boom,似乎提供了理想的工作机会和更好的生活。




Town Plan (Ordnance Survey, 1860) of the same area as the bird’s eye view extract above.

不久之后,丁丁建筑物,萨尔特马克特(Saltmarket)和高街(High Street)周围的格拉斯哥曾经高档化的地区变得人满为患。那些能够,包括高街大学学院,,,,moved west to open green space and fresh air.




“I have been credibly informed, that for years a population of many thousands has been annually added to Glasgow by immigration without a single house being built to receive them. … A great proportion of these poor people are young men and women in the prime of life. They come from fresh country air, and a diet just sufficient to support health in it, to inhabit for a time those wretched dens of misery, disease, and death, the low-lodging houses. It is only, however, for a time; for a diet still further reduced, and a pestilential atmosphere, do the rest. The young and healthy soon become prey of the epidemic disease … ” (General Board of Health, 1850, p. 74)

这些高大,黑暗,狭窄的街道上的生活条件很差,因为托马斯·安南(Thomas Annan)的非凡照片说明了。几乎没有自然的日光,没有内部浴室设施或自来水,也无法定期清除家庭废物,这只是传染病的流行,例如霍乱,伤寒,天花和斑疹伤寒,这只是时间问题。




Realising a potential connection between housing conditions, sanitation, and the spread of disease, a number of acts of Parliament like the one above were passed. The Removal of Nuisances and Prevention of Contagious and Epidemic Diseases Act 1846 (p. 934) stated that occupants who allowed “the filthy and unwholesome Condition of any Dwelling House, or other Building, or of the Accumulation of any offensive or noxious Matters, Refuse, Dung, or Offal, or of the Existence of any offensive Drain, Privy, or Cesspool” were to be subject to the costs of the immediate cleansing and whitewashing of their properties.


这1848 cholera epidemic in Glasgow was reported on by Dr. Sutherland for the General Board of Health (1850). A correlation can be seen in the map he produced below, between areas of epidemic severity and areas of overcrowding shown on the maps at the top of this blog post.



Data collected in reports such as the 1848 Epidemic Cholera Report (1850, General Board of Health) and Perry’s Facts and Observations on the Sanitory State of Glasgow (1844) contributed towards a greater understanding of infectious disease and laid the foundations of preventative measures.


“we laid down just as many drains and sewers as would carry our night soil to the nearest stream – and thus, instead of poisoning the air we breathed, we poisoned the water we drank.

成千上万的水夹将其内容物倒入克莱德的影响不可能在极端情况下令人讨厌。而且每个人都可能感觉到,在夏日,经过长期干旱,这条河的河流实际上是可憎的,我们已经不止一次地看到人们从船上生病了”(Pagan,1884年,第130-130页 -1)

A Select Committee on Sewage in British cities was established in 1864, and looked to engineers, chemists and other experts for suggestions and guidance. It took until the beginning of the 20th century before an improved system of drainage and sewage works was in place, and until 1998 before sludge boats stopped dumping sewage into the open sea at Bute and Arran (Directive 91/271/EC).





Collectively, the policies towards sewage, clean water, and overcrowding transformed life in Glasgow. Greater public awareness of the causes of epidemic disease led to a decrease in their frequency and severity. Citizens were able to enjoy increased life expectancy, better living standards, and new and improved public spaces.

Other posts in the series can be found这里。欢迎您来看看自己的眼景,甚至从大学图书馆7级的地图,官方出版物和统计单元中订购自己的副本。只是与电子邮件,0141 330 3176或弹出以查看我们星期一至周五上午9点至下午5点。

1.可以在一份有关污水处理的选择委员会报告中找到土木工程师和设计师约翰·弗雷德里克·贝特曼(John Frederic Bateman)的详细证据(1864年)。贝特曼(Bateman)在报告中详细介绍了重力系统,湖林林(Loch Katrine)使用的材料和技术将清洁水带到城市中,作为委员会的证据,这些委员会正在考虑建立类似的系统来从城市中取出污水。



军械调查(1860)格拉斯哥1st Edition. Town Plan,第六板11.17,1:500,南安普敦:军械调查。

Sulman, T. (1864)1864年格拉斯哥的伯德眼景,插图伦敦新闻,伦敦。


人口普查办公室(1862)苏格兰人口普查,1861年。人口表和报告。([指挥纸] 3013,1862)。爱丁堡H.M.S.O.。

欧洲社区委员会指令(EC)No. 91/271 of 21 May 1991 concerning urban waste-water treatment。也提供在线的

卫生总委员会(1850)卫生委员会关于1848年和1849年流行霍乱的报告(([Command Paper] 1273-1275) Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London.


Kyd,J。G. [Ed。](1952)苏格兰人口统计数据,包括韦伯斯特对人口的分析1755, (也提供在线的)T。和A. Constable Ltd.,爱丁堡。

纳尔逊(D. M.)(1889)提议的格拉斯哥污水收集,处理和处置的计划,[n.p。],格拉斯哥。这原版的也可从图书馆研究附件获得。

Pagan,J。[Ed。](1884)格拉斯哥past and present : illustrated in Dean of Guild coutt reports and in the reminiscences and communications of Senex, Aliquis, J.B., etc.D. Robertson, Glasgow.

Perry,R。(1844)Facts and Observations on the sanitory state of Glasgow during the last year : with statistical tables of the late epidemic, shewing the connection existing between poverty, disease and crime,,,,格拉斯哥Royal Asylum for Lunatics,格拉斯哥。这原版的也可以在特殊收藏中使用。

消除滋扰和预防1846年传染和流行病法。((c.96) in (1846)公共一般法规的集合在维多利亚女王je下的第九年和十年,,,,伦敦女王je下文具办公室。

污水选择委员会(Metropolis)(1864)污水处理委员会(Metropolis)的报告以及委员会的诉讼程序,证据会议记录,附录和指数,(HC 487,1864)。伦敦女王je下文具办公室。

Watt, A. (1844)这格拉斯哥Bills of Mortality for 1841 & 1842, drawn up by appointment and under the authority of the Lord Provost, Magistrates and Town Council。大学出版社,格拉斯哥。




  1. Fantastic stuff. I too am going to read them all!

  2. 引人入胜的文章。我要阅读该系列的其余内容。感谢您的辛勤工作。

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