Care work, Digital automation, and Free Trade Agreements: New Official Publications 02.02.21

Newly published official publications from :


General view of the Plenary chamber in Brussels – PHS Hemicycle – Plenary session week 46 2014. © European Union 2014 – Source EP

劳动力市场的关心和后果的性别不平等:“The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of both paid and unpaid care work for a well-functioning society and economy.This report is part of the European Institute for Gender Equality’s work on monitoring the EU’s progress towards its gender equality commitments under the Beijing Platform for Action.

社会局势监测:能源价格,能源政策和能源贫困:探索联系. “In this research note we examine the impact of energy prices and policies on energy poverty in European countries from 2007-2017.”

Digital automation and the future of work:“本报告涉及数字自动化的性质,范围和可能的影响。它评论有关文献,与历史背景下的技术变革的现代辩论。它还提供了一些政策选择,如果实施,如果实施,将有助于利用积极的经济和社交结束技术。该报告认识到技术变革不仅会影响工作量,也可以影响其质量。它识别对工作质量的威胁以及与数字自动化相关的风险和福利的不平等分配。作为回应,它建议了许多政策选项“(附件)




Higher education student numbers:“本文介绍了学生人口大小的趋势,整体进入者数量的变化以及不同类型的学生/课程和进入不同群体和地区的进入税率。”

Scrutiny of international agreements: Free Trade Agreement with Singapore, Trade Continuity Agreement with Canada and Association Agreement with Egypt. “This is the International Agreements Committee’s first report on treaties, or
international agreements … [and ] adresses [three] Agreements:

Drugs policy: Government response到了在中的结论和建议Health and Social Care Select Commiteee’s report on drugs from Session 2019

The Scottish Parliament and Government


Image © Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body – 2012. Licensed under the Open Scottish Parliament Licence v1.0.

Domestic Abuse (Protection) Scotland Bill: Stage 1 Report.The “provisions of the Bill are intended to improve the protections available for people who are at risk of domestic abuse, particularly where they are living with the perpetrator of the abuse.” The report covers the Justice Committee’s scrutiny of the key issues surrounding the bill.

Housing Needs of Minority Ethnic Groups: Evidence Review:“本报告对苏格兰少数民族民族群体的住房需求和经验提供了审查,并提出了二级数据分析的结果。该研究还确定了证据中的差距,并建议进一步研究可能有用的地区。“

年轻人的岌岌可危和灵活的工作经历 - 主要报告:“The research report presents findings on young people’s experiences of precarious and flexible work. These work conditions included where young people had for example zero hours contracts, low wages, lack of progression opportunities, dissatisfaction with current employment, or varying hours.”

Official Statistics

Recorded Crime in Scotland: December 2020:“This Official Statistics bulletin presents information on the number of crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland during December 2020. It also includes a comparison with the equivalent month of the previous year.”

国际服务贸易:“Detailed breakdown of annual trade in UK services estimates, analysing data by country, product and industry.”

建设统计,英国:2019年:“A wide range of statistics and analysis on the construction industry in Great Britain in 2019.”

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