在线游戏中生活更长,流感免疫计划和抢劫盒 - 新的官方出版物24.08.20188金宝搏体育手机

Newly published official publications from :

Westminster and the UK Government

House of Lords Library: The Queen's Room (c) Parliamentary copyright images are reproduced with the permission of Parliament

House of Lords Library: The Queen’s Room (c) Parliamentary copyright images are reproduced with the permission of Parliament

Influenza immunisation programme, NHS winter pressure and COVID-19– “Seasonal influenza is a recurring risk that puts winter pressure on the NHS. The extent of this pressure results from several factors. This winter it may coincide with ongoing and possible increased transmission of SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19. The annual influenza immunisation programme, which reduces the transmission of the virus, and decreases the number of cases, hospitalisations and influenza-related mortality will, therefore, be of even more importance this winter. This has been recognised by experts and by Government, which has announced an expansion of the national influenza immunisation programme for 2020–2021. This article summarises the impact of influenza on the NHS in the context of COVID-19, the role of immunisation, changes to the influenza immunisation programme later this year and the challenges for the NHS this winter.

ASA对广告的监管- “这本下议院简介论文考虑了英国广告的监管,并概述了广告标准局(ASA)的功能和职权。



  • self-regulation for non-broadcast advertising and
  • co-regulation for broadcast advertising”

关于旅游业的增值税- “本说明简要介绍了增值税的运作方式,以及欧盟增值税法对设定增值税利率的重要性,然后再讨论较低的旅游服务增值税率的活动。


The European Union

European Parliament © European Union 2015

European Parliament © European Union 2015

在线游戏中的抢劫箱及其对消费者的影响,尤其是年轻的消费者- “本文定义了战利品框并描述了它们的行为影响,包括有问题的行为。它研究了欧盟和国家一级的监管框架,在该框架中,战利品盒的运作,提供了公共和行业实践的概述,并提出了建议。围绕战利品盒的辩论,远离赌博和消费者保护,将为欧盟提供一系列工具,以解决有问题的做法并最大程度地减少潜在的伤害,尤其是对未成年人的危害。”

Brexit– “This leaflet has been written with a specific focus on non-EU citizens who have a current or former connection to an EU citizen, as a family member. It complements our general leaflet on the topic. This leaflet is purely for information purposes and has no legal force. It does not provide any legal interpretation of EU or UK legislation and is not meant to replace specialised legal advice on UK

战时选举 - 叙利亚人民委员会(2016-2020)– “While the 2011 uprising deeply challenged the authoritarian regime in several regions, analysis of the parliamentary election in wartime is crucial to understanding how the regime attempted to renew its social base, which is assumed to have shrunk during the first years of the conflict. The last poll to elect the 250 MPs of the People’s Council took place in April 2016 in a country deeply divided, at a time when regime forces were still weak and controlled less than 40% of the territory. Despite the profound upheavals caused by the conflict, the Syrian authorities organised the election in a manner similar to the pre-war process.


Lighting through the Garden Lobby Roof of the Scottish Parliament ©2009 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Lighting through the Garden Lobby Roof of the Scottish Parliament ©2009 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Judicial factors: consultation analysis- “根据苏格兰法律委员会的建议和法案草案对公众咨询的反应分析,以现代化司法因素,该法案在2019年8月28日至11月20日之间进行。”

Cleaner Air for Scotland – Air Quality Public Attitudes & Behaviour Review – Final Report– “The objectives of the project were to identify, review and synthesise up-to-date evidence on Scottish public attitudes, perceptions and behaviours towards air quality, to understand the key findings, robustness of evidence base and any outstanding gaps in the evidence, identify and review recent approaches to engaging the public on air quality, to understand effectiveness, limitations and applicability in different contexts, and make recommendations for a public engagement strategy for air quality as part of the planned public consultation on the new Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy.”

NPF4呼吁想法:回答分析- “国家规划框架(NPF)是苏格兰的一项长期计划,该计划列出了需要开发和基础设施以支持可持续和包容性增长的地方。当前的框架 - NPF3 - 于2014年发布,苏格兰政府现在已经开始了审查和准备新框架 - NPF4的过程。”

Office for National Statistics

Living longer: implications of childlessness among tomorrow’s older population– “In the future, there will be more older people and a higher proportion of those will be childless. Because adult children are the most common providers of informal social care to their parents at older ages, this is likely to increase the demand for paid-for care.

英国的大街:2020年3月– “Mapping the location and characteristics of high streets in Great Britain, working with experimental Ordnance Survey High Street geography and Office for National Statistics data.”

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